A place to read Andromeda Adult Fan Fiction
Adult Slash Fiction All The Time!
Published on November 10, 2004 By beka_valens In Welcome
Good Eve and welcome all to my blog. I do hope you enjoy my adult slash fan fiction. My fan fiction includes the following fandoms only: andromeda, hercules the legendary journey's (yes...iolaus is a must must have he's the one who made hurcules so legendary in the first place! : ) , xena warrior princess (and yes it's the green eyed bard gabrielle who made xena seek her true path of warrior princess instead of the evil warlord sired by none other than ares himself, then again he's only doing what a father naturally does and thats to teach his children what he was taught) , stargate sg1, star trek the next generation and finally the beastmaster.

So lets recap shall we....

Stargate SG1
Star Trek The Next Generation
The BeastMaster

The above are my main fandoms check some of my works out and by all means let me know what you think of my stories and how I can improve them...please remember don't bash the author I donlt write for money, I write for the love of writing. All stories are original works of mine. except for the shows them selves I own only my character names,places, dates,times, all other characters,places,dates,times etc belong to the respective tv shows and owners. Please I don't have any money so be kind enjoy my works and do sue me ;+)


Beka Valens
Blog Owner

on Nov 10, 2004
I htink you meant to say "do not sue me". But don't worry I wont.